Moving to Action:
A Roadmap for Canada’s Digital Future
Digital policy issues have become more important than ever. From infrastructure to public safety, affordability to accessibility, and competition to culture, digital policy has far-reaching impacts and implications both today and for the socio-economic future of Canada. As we anticipate the 2025 federal election, The Canadian Internet Society is actively working to develop and promote recommendations for a forward-looking digital policy agenda.
We are gathering thought leaders, experts, and stakeholders from industry, academia, and governance, as well as civil society organizations to contribute to this important policy development initiative. The insights, experiences, and expertise we gather through this process will help us produce a meaningful and actionable agenda for digital policy in Canada.
Our policy forum aims to move the conversation away from abstract ideas and towards practical solutions for long-term digital policies. The goal will be to foster a comprehensive, inclusive dialogue in order to address key challenges and opportunities for digital policy in Canada—and concrete recommendations for action.
During the policy forum, we will dig deep into our community's insights by collaborating with people from different backgrounds, experiences, and expertise to identify the issues, suggest tangible interventions to address them, and facilitate opportunities for people with different perspectives to share and learn from each other.
The input and the material we gather from this process will be directly reflected in a report that will be shared widely within our networks. The report will inform advocacy materials that The Canadian Internet Society will promote to decision-makers, and we will invite our community to use the report to support their own organization's advocacy efforts.
Check back here after June 5, 2024 for exciting updates.
We can’t wait to get started!