Today the Internet Society Canada Chapter (ISOC Canada) is joining people and organizations around the world in supporting the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance that has been developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation in collaboration with others around the world.
These principles outline a number of basic concepts regarding how law creation and law enforcement must co-exist with personal rights to privacy in the digital Age. They include elaborating on these concepts:
- Legality
- Legitimate Aim
- Necessity
- Adequacy
- Proportionality
- Competent Judicial Authority
- Due Process
- User Notification
- Transparency
- Public Oversight
- Integrity of Communications and Systems
- Safeguards for International Cooperation
- Safeguards Against Illegitimate Access
The Internet Society Canada Chapter supports these principles, and we join the international ISOC Board of Trustees in going on record as endorsing them. We encourage our members and all Canadians to learn about their rights, and help us advance appropriate governance over measures that compromise privacy rights.
For more information, please see the EFF’s Necessary and Proportionate” campaign website.